6925 USB, 7/31/08, 0245-0310 UTC. Man's voice, fair signal but muffled audio and static crashes impaired clarity. Sounded like news reporter reading script or quoting from book?
0308z - Sounded like human voice mimicking a cat's meow.
SINPO - 25121
http://www.mediafire.com/?gfdnzifcxio(N. Central TX)
Between Zane's audio clip and mine, able to make out some of the following:
"...No sooner had he done so (unintelligible) than the (cunning? cutting?) (man? man-eater?) began cautiously to stalk the three sleepers..."
"...as it was probably not quite shut, or at any rate..."
"...for the lion to thrust in a paw..."
"...at this moment...was suddenly awakened by a loud (cry? sound?)..."
"...steps...(railway? railroad?)...at any rate...easy (matter? manner?)...lion...to reach him...enormous lion...his victim...for burial...awful tragedy...he was kept on view for several days and then shot..."