Interesting prospective from down there, where I suspect that it is Transequatorial Propagation. That Superbowl CH 6 is a 24 hour pissing contest of 400% modulation and I understand that they MAX OUT those linear amps to thousands of watts, with AM splatter heard all the way to Trucker's CH 19 at times. Still, I use CH 6 as a tool. If there is any hint of F2, Transequatorial, or Sporadic E, propagations, CB CH 6 is the first hint of an opening. I actually had a CB friend tell us to follow him to CH 6 and he told us to just listen, this was back in the mid-1990's. At first, totally dead. Then the friend keyed up with 300W and about 200% MOD and yelled racial comments for a minute straight. The next thing was that the channel just exploded with pissed off Mudducks rebuking him. Wow!!!! This was done in the middle of rural nowhere of Western New York. Got to admit, that was a neat experiment.