Very busy band tonight, logs start at 2345 UTC (1945 local time)
SS - Spanish language traffic
25000 AM 25.000 MHz AM - WWV, readable ID, S4-S5 signal
26115 AM 26.115 MHz AM - Spanish language, roger beeps and noise toys heard, lots of fading
26305 AM 26.305 MHz AM - US stations, possibly truckers
26375 AM 26.375 MHz AM - Spanish language, similar to 26.585 AM
26405 AM 26.405 MHz AM - Spanish language, very busy with lots of QRM
26500 USB 26.500 MHz USB - Spanish language
26515 AM 26.515 MHz AM - "I found an arch" "that's what they're talking about" Texas accents
26535 AM 26.535 MHz AM - Spanish language, Mexican accents
26540 LSB 26.540 MHz LSB - Spanish language, similar to 26.555 LSB
26555 LSB 26.555 MHz LSB - Spanish language, very busy
26565 AM 26.565 MHz AM - Spanish language, likely from Mexico
26585 AM 26.585 MHz AM - Spanish language, Mexican accents (commonly heard Mexican QSO channel)
26615 AM 26.615 MHz AM - "1985 Shooting Star USA" "Happy Father's Day Puerto Rico! Break Break!"
26665 AM 26.665 MHz AM - Spanish language, possible taxi cab dispatcher (weak)
26685 AM 26.685 MHz AM - "well I can use it" "10-4" with lots of splatter from 26705 AM and 26715 AM
26705 AM 26.705 MHz AM - just as bad as 27025 AM during a band open, but in Spanish
26715 AM 26.715 MHz AM - very messy, full scale high power Spanish language traffic
26735 AM 26.735 MHz AM - US truckers (this is channel 19 "down one band")
26775 AM 26.775 MHz AM - heard mention of Florida (English language)
26785 AM 26.785 MHz AM - US stations, like most of the lower freqs, sound like locals talking to each other
26805 AM 26.805 MHz AM - Southern accents, talking about Teddy Roosevelt, the CIA controlling the liberals minds, etc
26825 AM 26.825 MHz AM - "that sounds good" "not as good as it can" "what were you running? 50 watts?" "I got you S7"
26845 AM 26.845 MHz AM - US stations, weak
26885 AM 26.885 MHz AM - "ain't nobody but a little mud duck" very strong US stations
26905 AM 26.905 MHz AM - "it was really rolling a while ago"
26915 AM 26.915 MHz AM - Southern US stations working DX very busy
26935 AM 26.935 MHz AM - US stations talking about "the dirty Irish" and Italian politicians, seemed local to each other
26955 AM 26.955 MHz AM - US stations, presumed truckers going by what they were talking about
The legal 40 channels were wall to wall, but here's some notes:
26975 AM 26.975 MHz AM - Hi-fi AM audio, doing radio checks, peaking at S9+30
26995 AM 26.995 MHz AM - US based stations working DX in AM mode, not a legal CB channel (channel 3A)
27145 AM 27.145 MHz AM - YL Taxi cab dispatcher in Spanish, not a legal CB channel (channel 15A)
27375 LSB 27.375 MHz LSB - US stations, very busy SSB DXing
27380 LSB 27.380 MHz LSB - US stations, Southern and Midwestern accents heard
27385 LSB 27.385 MHz LSB - CB CH 38 LSB, SSB calling frequency, very busy
Higher bands:
27415 AM 27.415 MHz AM - 2 QSOs heard at once, Texas accented stations and another station underneath
27425 AM 27.425 MHz AM - Taxi dispatch, YL dispatcher talking to OM driver with roger beeps (very active)
27425 LSB 27.425 MHz LSB - QSO in Spanish, heard underneath the taxi driver chatter on 27.425 AM
27435 AM 27.435 MHz AM - OM talking, very weak (Spanish language)
27445 AM 27.440 MHz AM - Spanish language chatter, possibly taxi cab dispatch
27445 LSB 27.445 MHz LSB - English language, US based stations, very strong
27455 USB 27.455 MHz USB - Spanish language calling channel, non stop activity
27465 LSB 27.465 MHz LSB - US stations, QSO in progress, S9 signals
27480 LSB 27.480 MHz LSB - US stations, similar to 27465 LSB, talking about antennas
27480 USB 27.480 MHz USB - Spanish language
27505 AM 27.505 MHz AM - "I'll give you enough time to get moving around" "something like that" "6 to 9" southern accents
27515 AM 27.515 MHz AM - Spanish language, taxi cab dispatch YL with roger beep
27575 AM 27.575 MHz AM - "that little radio is throwing some fire" "10-4" - maybe truckers?
27595 LSB 27.595 MHz LSB - Midwestern US accents
27605 AM 27.605 MHz AM - English language, sounds like truckers
27625 USB 27.625 MHz USB - Spanish language, strong
27635 LSB 27.635 MHz LSB - Spanish language, weak
27665 USB 27.665 MHz USB - Spanish language
27675 AM 27.675 MHz AM - Southern US accents, casual QSO (likely local to each other)
27765 AM 27.765 MHz AM - "I ain't seen him in a while" US stations having a QSO, probably local to each other
27835 AM 27.835 MHz AM - "its showing up on the monitor" "does that still work?" US operators talking about equipment
27855 AM 27.855 MHz AM - "well if you mess it up just go buy her a new one" and complaints about Spanish QRM
27905 USB 27.905 MHz USB - US stations, talking about how "Good Morning America" should be canceled