Date: 3 August 2018
Time: 1045-1100 UTC / 0645-0700 local
Receiver: TYT TH-9000D VHF-FM mobile transceiver (136-174 MHz)
Antenna: 1/4 wave VHF mobile antenna with Chevrolet sedan ground plane

Location: Richmond, VA
I'm listening while driving through downtown, at points one station would completely blanket the other, then vise-versa. Lots of multipath going on in an urban area - anyone who's been to Richmond knows the downtown / central business district area is full of hills and valleys - add that to the steel-and-concrete around you at street level and yeah, VHF does some interesting things. There's a reason most two-way systems in this area are on 450-470 MHz and the public safety system is on 800 MHz (well, they're on 800 MHz because Motorola wants more money, but I digress...)
162.400 MHz - WXL42 Winston-Salem, NC 1000 watts - heard "Surry County, North Carolina" - weaker UNID station underneath
162.425 MHz - several stations mixing together, heard "North Carolina" in the mud, possible WZ2543 Richlands, VA 300 watts
162.450 MHz - several stations, WWG33 Margretsville, VA 300 watts fighting with KZZ28 Covesville, VA 1000 watts and a third station mixing in at points...I can hear KZZ28 when the band is closed
162.475 MHz - WXK65 (Richmond, VA 1000 watts) SIO 555 local WX station, they're SIO 555 with the antenna disconnected
162.500 MHz - WNG586 (Henderson, NC 300 watts) SIO 333 or so, another UNID station underneath it
162.525 MHz - KJY86 (Halifax, VA 1000 watts) SIO 444 on peaks, then another station (likely KJY99) came in for a few seconds
162.550 MHz - hearing WXL92 (Lynchburg, VA 1000 watts) mixing in with KHB37 (Norfolk, VA 1000 watts) with Norfolk being the winner
I can hear NOAA Weather VHF DX basically every morning during my (short) morning commute that starts at roughly 0645 local time. Antenna is a standard NMO mount 1/4 wave VHF antenna mounted on the trunk lip with good condition (read: removed paint) to the chassis of the car. When the band is open I often check the STARS statewide VHF trunking system frequencies for activity, the go-to one being the Fork Mountain, VA control channel (152.7125 MHz) and that was coming in full scale this morning as well.
WXL42 - 183 miles/295 km
WZ2543 - 240 miles/387 km
WWG33 - 68 miles/109 km
KZZ28 - 73 miles/117 km - this transmitter has some serious elevation - I can hear it with my Motorola MTS2000 and Boafeng UV-5R HTs if I'm outside
WXK65 (local) - 7 miles/11 km
WNG586 - 100 miles / 160 km
KJY86 - 98 miles / 158 km
KJY99 - 98 miles / 158 km
WXL92 - 94 miles / 151 km
KHB37 - 80 miles / 129 km