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Author Topic: Radio 3-1-9 5830 AM 1602 UTC 21 Jun 2018  (Read 583 times)

Online Ray Lalleu

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Radio 3-1-9 5830 AM 1602 UTC 21 Jun 2018
« on: June 21, 2018, 1632 UTC »
1602 extra-weak Unid on 5830 with barely heard music and DJ.
(much weaker than WMR on 5840). 1628 same level.
1648 fading up slowly, mx, DJ. 1700 '3-1-9' (in English, as ever), music, 1702 talking, music

Maybe off the air at 1726 ? (There was a carrier on 5833 approx.), but I had to go.
1812 and later : found again, but weaker than at 1700 ?
1843 relaying a station in English, probably Caroline.co.uk ?

1934 "Walking on sunshine", 1943 lost, 1951 bit of a signal again?
There is a strange cloud up there...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 1953 UTC by Ray Lalleu »
D/E/F/G/It/Sp : Dutch/English/French/German/Italian/Spanish
+/- : about 0.02 offset, ++/-- 0.03/0.04 offset
Balanced wire antennas, wire lines and ATU
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Offline KaySeeks

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Re: Radio 3-1-9 5830 AM 1602 UTC 21 Jun 2018
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 1846 UTC »
SINPO 24322 in central Italy at 1845 UTC. They haven't been very strong over the last hour or so of periodically checking the frequency.

2138 UTC - no carrier found.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2018, 2138 UTC by KaySeeks »
Just somebody with a radio, a computer and a pair of headphones...


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