I've been releasing betas of DX ToolBox, the latest is 5.5.0b3, which can be downloaded here:
https://www.blackcatsystems.com/download/dxtoolbox.htmlFour new windows/tools added since 5.4.0:
TIS Stations: a searchable list of TIS stations, you can even search by partial callsign, even if you only heard one character and know the frequency.
AMBC Station Information window: Directly view information from this valuable MW DXing site, thanks to Barry McLarnon for permission to use it.
VOLMET / Maritime Weather Schedule: Schedules of these broadcasts, in a chronological window that is continuously updated. So you can see the transmissions on now, or about to start.
Mediumwave Logbook: Under development, organizes your logs of MW stations, and works with several of the other windows/tools.