I originally thought the MF was 373 in Medford, but I am confident in my receivers frequency accuracy. I have not however heard MF again, from either location. and certainly not in the daytime. Even MEF in Medford is usually weak here. I would love to have heard MF in Ohio, and maybe I did, but I wont assume until I log it again.
The transformer I use is a small 1.25 inch moly toroid, with 100 turns of 24 ga. magnet wire and 5 turns of 18 ga. insulated wire. The 5 turn winding is secondary and feeds my 50 ohm input directly. the 100 turn winding is fed by a 25 foot tall, 35 foot long inverted L, against ground. The isolation between the primary and secondary is over 600 volts. Some of these were heard with an indoor tuned loop about 0.75 meters in diameter, mostly when close in qrm was too bad with the wire.
my receiver has a switchable attenuator up to 50 db in the front end, and if I had to use it, I switched to the loop.
anyway, some new beacons from today. all after local dark, of course.
YKA 223 Kamloops BC CAN
XC 242 Cranbrook BC CAN
VR 226 Vancouver BC CAN
YK 269 Castlegar BC CAN
along with all of the usual ones,
MOG 404 Montague CA USA
QQ 400 Comox BC CAN
OT 378 North Bend OR USA
MOG is audible day and night. nearly full quieting, usually needs an attenuator at night.