So does an SDR Play have the ability to interface with decoding? As I said before, I am still learning about the new software driven decoders verses the ones I am used to also referred as TNC's (PakRat PK-232, etc.) Will I still be able to decode?
The SDRPlay products can send audio or an iq stream to a decoder, no problem there. I doubt if any of the high dollar decoders will ever directly support the RSP line as they're just not in use to any number in mil/int/diplo services.
Any rig that can produce audio can be used with decoders, as long as it hears the freq in question and has a demodulator for the mode. Not too many folks use tncs anymore save for the pactor iv guys. I miss my old pk232, the saim function was neat until I realised it would only id sigs that it was programmed to, nowadays some decoders offer classification of signals, feed it a sig and it'll tell you if it's psk, fsk, shift, baudrate, etc etc. The one area where a tnc shines over a pc based decoder is in the latency war, hardware modems like the pk232 and the military modems have superior timing capability compared to a pc. This can be important in certain modes that do not tolerate varying latency, and here I'm talking about microseconds and milliseconds.
Back when I got started in decoding and "serious" swling there wasn't much of an innernet and no remote sdrs to play with, today you can remote into sdrs located around the world. I suggest using some remote sdrs to get an idea as to how they operate before plunking down the cash. I also find it nice to have a rig that can hear the band without needing a pc running, so don't sell your table top rig to get an sdr.