No, I don't. However that won't stop me from asking questions.

1) From memory, the SWR of a G5RV varies wildly over 3-30 MHz so it may just be that the frequency points you mention happen to have high SWR.
You do have 1.7 at 28.5 MHz so that gives me hope that the antenna isn't totally FUBAR. I seem to remember that many G5RVs are sort of resonant around 11-16 MHz so how about just plotting that range in 0.25 MHz steps while using the coax and seeing if you hit any sort of reasonable (VSWR < 2.0) nulls in that range?
2) How easy is it for you to connect your antenna analyzer to the feed point of the antenna without using the coax at all? (Yeah, I know it's getting cold outside.) Even if you have to physically lower the feedpoint temporarily for this exercise, it would be worth it to see to see the antenna alone like this, given that the SWR is so high using the coax. I don't know what to expect but I 'm trying to see if the antenna by itself actually has (more) reasonable SWR at some frequency, any frequency, this way.