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Author Topic: NDB/VLF logs Oct/Nov  (Read 2262 times)

Offline Looking-Glass

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NDB/VLF logs Oct/Nov
« on: November 21, 2018, 0924 UTC »
The NDB band had some outstanding openings during Oct/Nov in the Pacific region although thunderstorm noise made things hard I managed to log some new first time heards, or ATNO's:

New loggings:

242KHz  1347z  PP    Paraparamu, New Zealand for 2,344kms 519 report.
251KHz  1555z  MEK Meekatharra, Western Australia for 3,143kms 319 report.
254KHz  1552z  OK   Oakey, Queensland for 701kms 419 report.
260KHz  1814z  PD   Port Hedland, Western Australia for 3,434kms 319-419 report.
274KHz  1511z  GB   Great Barrier Island, New Zealand for 2,320kms 529 report.
307KHz  1329z  NA   Nausori, Viti Levu Island, Fiji for 3,310kms 319 report.
350KHz  1523z  SY   Surrey, New Zealand for 2,262kms 519 report.
350KHz  1240z  KI    Kaikuora, New Zealand for 2,281kms 519 report.
358KHz  1525z  NL   Newlands, New Zealand for 2,316kms 319-419 report.
362KHz  1557z  WK  Whakatane, New Zealand for 2,467kms 419 report.
366KHz  1600z  TM   Timaru, New Zealand for 2,184kms 419 report.
366KHz  1302z  SF   Springfield, New Zealand for 2,207kms 519-529 report.
378KHz  1258z  HL   Henley, New Zealand for 2,195kms 319-419 report.
386KHz  1606z  BLN  Busselton, Western Australia for 3,213kms 419 report.
386KHz  1404z  LX   Alexandra, New Zealand for 2,262kms 529 report.
390KHz  1526z  HN   Hamilton, New Zealand for 2,315kms 519 report.
396KHz  1843z  LM   Learmonth, Western Australia for 3,742kms 519 report.
416KHz  1502z  PF   Parafield, South Australia for 1,071kms 519 report.

The majority of the above were logged via the new Icom R-75 comms receiver and the Yaesu FT-2000D base station, the little Icom seems to out perform the big Yaesu on the low bands.

VLF Oct/Nov:

28.00KHz  1743z  3SB or 38Q, Chinese Military, Datong, China with data idler transmission, 219-319 report at best.
40.00KHz  1749z  JJY  Time Signal, Mount Otakadoya, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan 529 report. ("JJY" in CW ident 15 mins past the hour)
54.00KHz  1145z  NDI US Military, Awase Peninsula, Okinawa Island, Japan with data idler. 519 report.
60.00KHz  1726z  JJY  Time Signal, Mount Hagane, Saga Prefecture, Japan, 549 report. ("JJY" in CW ident around 45 mins past the hour.)
66.66KHz  1856z  RBU Time Signal RTRBN, Taldom (near Moscow), Russia 219-319 report at best, on Grey Line.
68.50KHz  1633z  BPC Time Signal, Shanqui City, Henan Province, China, National Time Service Centre. 549 report.
100.0KHz  1811z  ?? Loran-C type transmission, location unknown, on the Grey Line at sunrise this way, 219-319 report.
171.0KHz  1649z  Radio Medi-1, broadcaster, Nador, Morocco with Arabic and French chat plus musical jingle advert, 319-419 report heavy fade downs.

All of the above VLF loggings via the Icom IC-736 or the Icom R-75 receiver. 

« Last Edit: November 22, 2018, 0028 UTC by Looking-Glass »
Condobolin, NSW.

Grid Square:  QF37ub

Yaesu FT-1000D, Yaesu FT-2000D, ICOM IC-736 HF/50MHz, ICOM IC R75 & Tecsun S-2000 to 450 feet of wire, 27MHz 1/2 wave CB antenna converted to 21MHz & a multi band vertical of dubious reliability.


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