6925 USB SIO 333
Good signal into Fl. this afternoon with some fading. First time hearing station by this name
21:38z Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) - Hollies
21:41z Moonshine Radio ID
21:44z ID & dedictaed 'Heart of Glass' by Blondie to Lawnmower
21:48z ID
21:49z 'Ride Captain Ride' - Blues Image. Some slight drift noted with signal
21:52z "...this is Lawnmower maaaan, broadcasting from the fookin ionosphere maaaan..."
21:53z 'Radar Love' - Golden Earring
21:58z Lawnmower talking about rig being tuned up.
21:59z 'Teenage Wasteland' - WHO. Could hear a telephone fax going off at begining of song.
21:03z "...this is Lawnmower Radio maaan..."
21:05z unknown tune. signal is around 444 now
22:09z "...thank you maaan..it's been a great show maaan..it's Lawnmower & Moonshine maaan..thank you..." & off
http://www.yousendit.com/download/bVlETkFtSytubVZFQlE9PQ Cool show, thanks Moonshine & Lawnmower!