Possibly a sporadic-E opening given the fading characteristics
27025 AM 27.025 MHz - CB channel 6 busy with stations dropping dat maul (southern accents, typical QRM, several carriers at once)
27115 AM 27.115 MHz - CB channel 13 - sounds like truckers chatting, possibly locals
27185 AM 27.185 MHz - CB channel 19 - more truckers, general chatter
27255 FM 27.255 MHz - CB channel 23 - FSK data link network, I think this is local
27335 AM 27.335 MHz - CB channel 33 - more local CB chatter (I think)
27385 LSB 27.385 MHz LSB - CB channel 38 - stations working DX, one station working another that I can't hear, "the can't call me king mudduck anymore" "man, that's all you need Paul" "David over there is taking you out" and similar traffic...
Noting carriers popping up on other in-band CB frequencies, but 27025 AM, 27185 AM and 27385 LSB are the most active by far....of course as I type this I can hear what sound like local stations chatting on 27245 AM/27.245 MHz CB channel 25.