On-going EAM at 1744 UTC with female operator on 11175 kHz USB. Good signal on 13200 USB with some echo or long-path QRM.
At 1747 UTC, BLUEPRINT (same YL op) came back on with another
ALL STATIONS, ALL STATIONS call, same echo/reverb-like QRM in the background (probably due to multipath).
At 1748 UTC, checked 13200 kHz USB and 15016 kHz USB, SIO 444 signals on those two frequencies as well, both exhibit minor multipath/echo QRM but the message is 100% readable.
6712 kHz USB is quiet, can hear something very faint on 6739 kHz USB, nothing on 4724 kHz USB and 8992 has a strong data signal on it with the EAM underneath (
At 1750 UTC, now male operator "message of 41 characters follows" (I missed the callsign while changing freqs)
Switched back up to 15016 USB at 1751 UTC (15016 kHz seems to have the best signal at the moment)
"Disregard this transmission, this is BLUEPRINT, out" at 1751 UTC.
1752 UTC - a second OM operator "All stations, all stations, this is BLUEPRINT, standby" into authentication sequence then alphanumeric message (on-going at 1753 UTC). At 1754 UTC "This is BLUEPRINT, out"