Hello all,
I have a new schedule up for predictions of transmissions of the Korean language numbers stations V24 and M94 at
http://home.mchsi.com/~token_radio/Sched_V3_Jul2011.JPG Keep in mind that these stations make minor changes all the time, so I will not claim the schedule is 100% accurate, but excluding transmission errors (V24 averages about 6 or so "error" transmissions, wrong time or freq and message not repeated, each month) I bet it is 80+%.
M94 has reduced operations to just 4 transmissions per month, I think it is safe to say it is on its way out. This station did more than 28 transmissions per month in 2009 and each year since has shown reductions.
Some V24 time slots are used every other month instead of every month. So, if you try a time/frequency combination and nothing is heard there are three possibilities; you have no propagation to the region, the station is going to use that time slot next month, or V24 changed its schedule...again.
I hope you find it helpful,
Mojave Desert, California, USA