Audible here in N. Central Texas during Hurricane Ike, Fri.-Sat., 9/12-13/08:
3873 LSB: Emergency net for Texas ARES/RACES.
3935 LSB: "Health and welfare" traffic.
7268 LSB: Daytime alternate for 3873 traffic.
14325 USB: Watch net.
3873 & 3935 were active all night and morning, with band fading toward 1500 UTC. Mostly local stations heard, tho' some East Coast stations were audible volunteering to handle relays.
3873 & 3935 LSB nets continued active all day and Saturday night as Ike was downgraded from hurricane to tropical storm. 7268, 7290 and 14325 used for other nets as conditions improved.
Sunday night/Monday morning, 9/14-15/08: 3873 & 3935 LSB continued to be monitored by net control, with check-ins, requests for relays, etc.
(N. Central TX)