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Author Topic: Unid 6930 USB  (Read 896 times)

Offline Zoidberg

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Unid 6930 USB
« on: August 20, 2011, 0251 UTC »
8/20/11, 6930 USB, 0227z: Music and occasional commentary or narrative from OM announcer.  Only able to ID Mike Oldfield "Tubular Bells".
0243z: Carrier on 6930.5 fired up over the unid 6930 USB station.
0250z: Lost 6930 USB station; faint audio from 6930.3 AM.

SINPO=33222, very crashy QRN, lots of fading, tough to copy much on 6930 USB station.  Nothing audible from 6930.5 AM station.

0414z: "Tubular Bells" USB, and narrative - voice sounds like Dr. Benway, but couldn't copy positive ID.
0418z: Offspring "Gotta Get Away"
0442z: Mentioned various pirate radio programs - United Patriot Militia Bingo, others.

Per Sealord's log, this may have been Captain Ron Shortwave, but ID's were obscured by noise here.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 0504 UTC by Lex »
That li'l ol' DXer from Texas
Unpleasant Frequencies Crew
Al: Palstar R30C & various antennae
Snoopy: Sony ICF-2010
Roger: Magnavox D2935
(Off-air recordings.)


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