Sycko Radio (presumed continuation of Corsair test logged earlier this week).
6874.5 AM, 0005-0045 UTC: Music, voice, Sycko Radio ID at 0010 UTC. Woman operator voice with wrong number message. Sycko Radio IDs, telephone ringing. Good thump in the music, audio carrying through fairly well in AM mode despite static crashes and fades. At 0045z, screeching and screaming along with music, then sudden drop in signal strength and carrier. SINPO - 32222, good signal, noisy condx and fading, almost continual QRM from adjacent sideband voice comms (Spanish language, 6872.7 LSB) since 0005z.
(N. Central TX)
6948.4 AM, 0109-0217 UTC: Thumping, sometimes overdriven sounding audio, through heavy static crashes, fading, occasionally very clear. SINPO - 33233 (N. Central TX)
0109z: Thumping hip-hop type rock, audio a bit overdriven and distorted, "American Psycho II"? Sycko Radio ID, partially buried under static crash.
0120z: System of a Down "Radio/Video" She Wants Revenge "Out of Control"
0200z: Lively dance/techno brew with some Herb Alpert horn licks tossed in.
0202z: Quotes from movie
Casino: "And guess what I'll split your ****ing head open again, cause I'm ****ing stupid . I don't give a **** about jail, it's my business, that's what I do."
0207z: Extended S9 signal wall of noise style music mix, deliberately overdriven audio.
0217z: Audio suddenly dropped out, steady carrier at S8 for another minute, then off.
Extended segment with thumping dance mix, etc.: programs in AM, odd signal with relatively weak carrier and mediocre fidelity in sidebands, but good thumping audio quality in AM mode, maybe a little overdriven (hard to tell, tho', conditions are miserable with static crashes, fading).
(N. Central TX - Palstar R30C w/ 25' outdoor random magnet wire antenna.)