Well gee, SW-J...
Next you'll be telling us that HAARP isn't responsible for global warming, UFO sightings, whale beachings, cattle mutilations, the Taos Hum, ghost hauntings, alien abductions, learning disabilities, or cancer! 
EDIT to add: Oh yeah - the lack of sunspots, too. Heard that one the other day on the repeater; supposedly, the HAARP emissions are leaving the ionosphere via the magnetic pole, looping back around to the sun's pole, and somehow interfering with the processes that create sunspots. I've got to give them points for creativity on that one.
I think I would rather ask what the first-order linking effects were ... IOW, give me a clue how A affects B and affects C (science) ... otherwise it's back to magic potions, chants and working with voodoo dolls (non-science,
pre-normal-science e.g. alchemy, turning lead into gold; that kind of thing).
I think in actuality, it's the non-science person's response (book authors, who want to make money) to the unknown (they have a bogey man they can erect and fight; not too far from a straw-man argument. That late-night nutball Art Bell deserves some point out here), where they don't even have a basic grasp of the factors involved (electro-magnetics as classically taught, the physics involved in meteorology), the parameters involved (the physical orientation of the X-Y planar HAARP transmitting array for instance- and it is not capable of receive even!, the fact it points STRAIGHT UP and can only be steered +-30 degrees from zenith), and the end results is story-telling the size of Mark Twain as set in the 21st century ...
Wouldn't you say that a six-diesel engine powered device situated in Alaska that is capable of controlling our universe is a little far-fetched? And to think, anybody parked 'down the road' with just a SW receiver could tell when they where on the air (sidelobes exist on any antenna, so something at the power level HAARP operates at would be easily noticed, yet some SWL in what I think is a former 'eastern block' country says he has HAARP
'dead-to-rights' beaming into Europe w/nothing other than 'his word' ... sound anything remotely like a Nigerian million-dollar con job?)
Side note, "Prime Power Generation" - http://web.archive.org/web/20070404123251/www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/power.htmlUsed to be the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission were the only ones that wielded that kind of 'pow-wah' ...
Added - Here's what come to mind:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDZFf0pm0SE - By Stevie Wonder
Added - HAARP 'Art'; a product of synthesis and interpretation in the vein of 'Cargo Cult Science' (See refs
1-Wiki and
2-address by famous physicist Richard Feynman):
Ref 1 - Cargo Cult Science is based on a concept in anthropology, the cargo cult, which describes how some pre-scientific cultures interpreted technologically advanced visitors (e.g. flying airplanes filled with supplies to S. Pacific island outposts) as religious or supernatural figures who brought boons of cargo and food.
Later, in an effort to call for a second visit the natives would develop and engage in complex religious rituals, mirroring the previously observed behavior of the visitors manipulating their machines (by building airports with thatched runways and control towers and RADAR installations made of bamboo) but without understanding the true nature of those tasks (the science, the technology), with the cargo cultists creating mock airports that failed to produce airplanes ...