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Author Topic: XPA2, 13538 USB, 26 FEB 2019, 1540 UTC  (Read 1148 times)

Offline MDK2

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XPA2, 13538 USB, 26 FEB 2019, 1540 UTC
« on: February 26, 2019, 1547 UTC »
Also copied at 1500z on 16338 USB (weak/fair) and 1520z on 14538 USB (good), but the 1540z transmission on 1540z was the best. I'm confident that Rivet decoded the numbers properly. It seems to need a strong signal, similar to DIGTRX with HM01, to work well.

The following decode was done, Mountain Standard Time (UTC -7) given because I never remember to change it to UTC.

8:40:05 AM XPA2 Start Tones Found (correcting by -22 Hz)
8:42:05 AM Sync tone found
8:42:05 AM Symbol timing found
02381 00060 13081 20974 97480 45037 60860 26214 26903 98545 92002 62306 72897 41127 67357
11756 95898 56866 74056 77268 66313 18351 53814 75756 05091 57556 74289 72497 19942 42013
70283 73953 23061 26101 65630 62703 55291 55503 93284 24233 94352 66591 37230 62580 89983
22118 77231 12790 55562 06025 07828 23697 47404 29753 89234 26697 46202 25140 33411 46134
59250 18374 35315
End Tone
8:42:57 AM XPA2 Decode Complete
Denver, CO.
SDRPlay RSPdx & RSP2pro, Airspy Discovery HF+, Icom IC-7100, Grundig Satellit 750, Realistic DX-300, Tecsun PL-600.
MLA-30 active loop, G5RV dipole.
eQSLs appreciated wickerjennie at gmail


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