Hi All - I had a dilemma whether to write transcriptions from Russian to Latin alphabet. I do not know deep Russian culture and vulgar jargon, but I will try to translate it into English. Excuse me if it's comical!
"Note old condoms fucer( хуила) Putin. On FRQ 7055 MHz will be caried out rollcall maksanskych pederasts. After the rollcall, we will tell you about the achievements of the growing Ukraine.We wish you pleasant listening to warring Russian condoms.
1422 UTC UA plays a professionally recorded commentary on post-WW2 history and the current political and economic situation in Ukraine. This is probably the first good journalistic job.
1504 Excellent S7 LSB 3kHz UA transmission - so long economic commentary, RU stopped jaming.
2220 The next night at 3731 LSB only HAM's stations work.
7055 reserve 7050 used only on day working hours.