Over the past week, I have been monitoring my SDR for drift net beacons, from around 1750 to 2500 kHz, mostly in the very early hours of the morning (before dawn, approximately 6:00 a.m., Pacific Standard Time) and in the evening (after dark, from around 7:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time). I'm a pretty patient radio listener, but given the wide frequency range where these signals can be found, along with the fact that they seem to only transmit every four or five minutes at a go, it has been a time-consuming effort on my part.
So far, I've not seen/heard anything at all. My location is in Seattle, Washington USA and I'm using my
own KiwiSDR with W6LVP mag loop. I generally can hear all signals in the lower frequency ranges quite well.
So, this begs the question here, has anyone else been able to locate and track any of these beacons on the west coast of the United States? I note that Token has posted
a video of his catches, but most of the talk on these signals seem to be coming from either people on the east coast of the US, or from the coastal areas of Australia and Asia.
If anyone has picked up any of these signals from a US west coast location, please post frequencies, dates and times, as I'd like to start keeping a log of what others are catching near my location in order to improve my chances.