Yep, several times now have I heard advertised on Dave Schrader's Midnight In The Desert, aired on Keith Rowland's Dark Matter Digital Network, Albeit the late Art Bell was a very avid HAM, I suspect that this isn't a freebie PSA for the ARRL, since they really want to try to get paid sponsors on M.I.T.D. Still, neat to hear that. One thing that I've been trying to suggest to Dave Schrader, Keith Rowland, and show's producer Michelle, is to again cover the pirate radio phenomenon, which hasn't really been done since Art Bell and Andrew Yoder on September 10th, 2001. Yeah... You know just what event stole Andrew's thunder just a few hours later after that interview. It's time for Dave Schrader to do a Pirate Radio Follow Up here. (Just my $0.02 worth.)