« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2019, 0214 UTC »
I have with some type of music.
Yup...some type of Techno.
SIO 333.
02:20 Abrupt off and then back in with weird sounding techno..very dark.
Sounds like outer space techno.
SSTV Image..Just a pinch of assholes.
Back to techno 02:30.
02:35 SSTV Image..Just a pinch of Assholes again..then back to music.
Shortwave radio excerpt by OM...old SWListener footage.
More music 02:48.
Kitty in mirror SSTV Image
UNID Radio SSTV image.
Off 03:03
« Last Edit: March 24, 2019, 0303 UTC by KMD3HR »
Registered Monitoring Station KMD3HR
Longtime SWLer
Somewhere in the South
Kenwood R-1000, Tecsun PL- 660, Heathkit SB 104, RDL-SDR, Various Trunked Scanners, Various 2, 6, 10 and 40 meter transcievers Long wires, dipoles, hamsticks
Please eQSL to danmeush@gmail.com
Thank you!
Pirate Radio Rocks