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Author Topic: Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’  (Read 2155 times)


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Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’
« on: April 01, 2019, 1600 UTC »

Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’

Burger King is introducing a Whopper made with a vegetarian patty from the start-up Impossible Foods. The deal is a big step toward the mainstream for start-ups trying to mimic and replace meat.

By Nathaniel Popper

April 1, 2019

OAKLAND, Calif. — Would you like that Whopper with or without beef?

This week, Burger King is introducing a version of its iconic Whopper sandwich filled with a vegetarian patty from the start-up Impossible Foods.

The Impossible Whopper, as it will be known, is the biggest validation — and expansion opportunity — for a young industry that is looking to mimic and replace meat with plant-based alternatives.

Impossible Foods and its competitors in Silicon Valley have already had some mainstream success. The vegetarian burger made by Beyond Meat has been available at over a thousand Carl’s Jr. restaurants since January and the company is now moving toward an initial public offering.

White Castle has sold a slider version of the Impossible burger in its 380 or so stores since late last year.

But a national rollout at Burger King’s 7,200 locations would dwarf those previous announcements and more than double the total number of locations where Impossible’s burgers are available.

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Re: Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2019, 1606 UTC »
More industrially manufactured food. 
Chris Smolinski
Westminster, MD
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Offline Pigmeat

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Re: Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 0306 UTC »
Get back in that yurt and have Belinda fix you some "Horse Helper", Al.  You're posting nonsense. Beefless Whoppers.... What's next, penguin nuggets?


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Re: Behold the Beefless ‘Impossible Whopper’
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2019, 0630 UTC »
Reminds me of the old joke:

Q: Ever smelled mothballs?
A: Yes. Why do you ask?
Q: How'd you ever get their little legs apart?

Get back in that yurt and have Belinda fix you some "Horse Helper", Al.  You're posting nonsense. Beefless Whoppers.... What's next, penguin nuggets?


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