Couple more Fisn Net beacons
I sat down this evening at the grey line and 4QQC on 1998 Khz was loud @ 2312 UTC
Logged him last night but no where near this signal strength. The noise was
somewhat reduced as well.
BL4 1979 Khz @ 2332 UTC very strong, moved the S-meter and estimated to be 15 db over noise.
This was quite a surprise considering the others have been so weak. This beacon was so strong
as I could easily pick up its hard keying characteristics including some clicks. If it wasn't some effects
of greyline this guy almost has to be down in this part of the ocean or gulf at the strong signal levls!
10-12-11 EP51 1963 Khz @ 0016UTC
Static building to last nights proportions so calling it quits for sack time.