Sorry, no pics. You'll have to close your eyes and imagine.
Chris and I were talking about first radios. The first HF radio I had was something my dad bought used for me (he wasn't into radio, somehow I was directed to this by another ham).
We went to this dudes house, and my dad unfortunately took the bait on the most decrepit and weird radio on earth (I didn't know any better either). This radio had the following features:
- We purchased the radio used around 1989.
- Design-wise and functionally, probably dated to the early 80's, possibly a little before, maybe late 70's.
- All solid state.
- I believe it was probably capable of 25-30 MHz for RX and TX.
- May only have been SSB (not really sure on this).
- I *think* it had a blue cover on the top and bottom, and a typical silver faceplate.
- Physically larger than a typical mobile CB, but same kind of layout.
- Red LED segmented frequency display.
- Used toggle switches (I think) for up and down frequency agility, and you had to HOLD the toggle switch while it tuned up or down in either 1 or 5 KHz increments. I can't remember exactly but probably 1 KHz.
- Extremely unstable on both RX and TX, definitely suffered some kind of PLL unlock issue, and temperature related variations.
- Definitely was not a major CB/ham/11m/10m radio brand of the era. It felt more Ten-Tec then Cobra (that's not saying much probably).
- May have had a bailer of some type to tilt the display up when on a desk.
- It was a total piece of crap.
Can anyone, in the recess of their mind, recall what this radio was?