They only transmit continuously for a certain period of time to allow the mother vessel to home in and retrieve the nets, longest I have heard in continuous mode is around two days maximum at very best.
March/April so far is around 160 unique calls from 1.7 to 2.7MHz, they are literally everywhere in that spread when the band is wide open.
Hard to work out where they are, I have compared their signals to those low powered on the NDB band and also 160m amateur radio plus the afternoon Grey Line path but it's amazing how the band differs in relation.
A couple of nights ago between 0730-1030z some of these beacons were 579 report on the meter, not bad for a tin can with a transmitter and whip antenna bobbing about the Pacific.
Good fun though, always pleased when I log a new one and add it to the list.
Need some DXers who are into LW on the west coast of the USA and Canada to see if they are hearing same so note and times can be compared. No luck so far...
Incidentally, both LC3 and DN3 are back to normal cycle with the four minute key off period.