I have about two dozen UV-5Rs laying around (all with the 3800mah battery pack) and they're great because you can use them on the FRS/GMRS, MURS and ham frequencies all in one radio. I spent two weeks driving around Germany, France, Switzerland and Austria (two cars, on the Autobahn, having HTs is quite helpful). They do the weird 6.25 kHz offset and 2.5 kHz channel steps which allowed me to program them up on the PMR446 frequencies (Europe's version of FRS). With CTCSS and not-using-PMR446-channel-1 we had zero issues with interference and the 3800mah battery packs never needed to be charged. The radios were on low power setting the whole time but there was a lot of car-to-car chatter.
I currently use a UV-5R as the transmit/receive radio for a solar powered MURS repeater I have installed in a secret location that's super secret. It works great. They are Chinese rigs so I imagine quality control isn't as good as it is with the Japanese rigs but for the price...60 bucks for a pair (with the high capacity batteries) its hard to believe they're trying to be as good as a $200 Yaesu/Icom/Kenwood.
I use my UV-5Rs all the time. Apparently they're quite popular with Ukrainian militia as well.