on 6910.0
0607 music, 0609 DJ in It, It light disco, 0613 DJ, music
0636 disturbed by It freebanders on 6910 LSB, "My sweet lord"
0640 slogan, "Black is black", freebanders about 'la musica'...
0643 disturbed, ...Key Channel..., more music, more strong QRM on the L sideband, 0647
0707 mainly in E, probably Artem, 0710 some disco in Sp., (clear channel)
0714 ID as Radio Sin Fronteras Int., Artem in E, 0715 about Cuba, but fading now,
0717 list of Cuban stations, 0718 clip from Habana station
very weak, music, at 1231 and 1322
1456 "My little runaway", next oldie, 1500 IDs no copy (under atmos)
1916 Artem show with stations of Cuba, disturbed by Italian freebander on 6910 LSB