A lot of 4x4 (=16) guys and gals use cb to talk whilst trail riding. Had a Francis Wheeler Dealer .25wl antennae on the Samurai, people told me it looked like an rc car.
Ahh, yes, the 102" (or 108") stainless steel whip, 1/4 wave for CB. Pretty hard to beat as a mobile antenna, especially with the massive spring at the bottom.
Yes, you can still buy CB radios and yes people still use CB radios. Here are some of the newer CB radios on the market:
Ranger (RCI) Superstar SS-158FB4. The SS 158FB4 is the latest incarnation of the famous Superstar 3900 series radios, this all-mode AM/FM/SSB beast includes a built-in amplifier and is rated at 100w carrier/400w PEP AM/SSB and covers has 12 bands to choose from covering 24.265 MHz to 29.655 MHz. An easy mod can change that to 24.715 MHz to 30.105 MHz, giving the operator full coverage of the 12 meter ham band, the 10 meter ham band, the CB band and all frequencies in between:
https://www.bellscb.com/products/tenmeter/ranger/Ranger_SS-158FB4.htmUniden Bearcat CMX560 - hide the radio itself under your seat and control everything from the handset/microphone. Designed for very small vehicles and off-road/Jeep applications. 40 channel FCC approved 4 watt AM carrier power.
https://www.bellscb.com/products/cbradios/uniden/Uniden_Bearcat_CMX560.htmUniden Bearcat CMX660 - tiny 40 channel 4 watt AM CB radio designed to fit in modern, small vehicles and for off-road purposes (read: install this in your Jeep, bro). This radio is quite small, 4 inches wide, 1 inch tall and 4 inches deep.
https://www.bellscb.com/products/cbradios/uniden/Uniden_Bearcat_CMX660.htmStryker SR-25MC (available under a dozen other brand names and model numbers, I believe it is a rebranded Anytone) - coming in at a tiny 4.9 inches wide, 1.4 inches tall and 4 inches deep! this clearly-designed-for-the-Russian-taxi-drivers 11 meter export CB radio covers the usual 240 channels - 25.615 MHz to 28.305 MHz AM/FM modes.
https://www.bellscb.com/products/tenmeter/Stryker/Stryker_SR-25MC.htmRanger (RCI - the company that builds Galaxy, Ranger, Superstar, Connex, Mirage, etc. radios), Uniden, Cobra and the various Chinese companies wouldn't be putting the money into designing and building new radios if the market wasn't there.
The SR-25MC (and others) are examples of several dozen Chinese AM/FM export rigs that have flooded the market over the past few years. Here's a list of the current models produced by Chinese radio manufacturer Anytone: