Propagation has been very poor on the low bands in the past couple of weeks so very little to report, however, last night the band opened up and the following logged:
Freq Call UTC Report
1.922.5 FZ106 1325z 559*
2.032 KK2 1234z 419 2.407 AA2 1236z 419
2.070 XK4 1235z 519 2.423 EA4 1220z 559
2.076 DU3 1405z 539 2.433 EA8 1117z 319
2.092 XA2 1603z 419 2.467 RM0 1303z 419
2.100 WQ5 1409z 539 2.473 EB2 1121z 519
2.111 AV2 1552z 529 2.507 VG8 1355z 419
2.128 UB3 1406z 419 2.511 GI9 1400z 529
2.149 AO1 1559z 559 2.542 NC5 1315z 519
2.216 ZS9 1128z 519 2.543 BU1 1358z 419
2.255 DP5 1253z 319 2.549 QL1 1125z 519
2.281 BR1 1246z 419 2.582 LM4 1310z 539
2.305 DZ3 1402z 559 2.649 UW3 1308z 529
2.305 UI6 1257z 529 2.659 AJ7 1110z 519
2.308 CI7 1256z 519 2.669 DC7 1126z 539
2.325 AQ7 1550z 419 2.679 ZZ0 1314z 419
2.325 ER1 1122z 559
2.337 PU7 1250z 519
2.341 AJ8 1131z 529
2.360 AP8 1230z 419
2.367 RG4 1115z 419
2.370 EL7 1133z 539
* 1.922.5MHz CW is a SELCAL activated Japanese drift net beacon, so it has no preceding or ending carrier, nor does it have a regular transmit cycle. This beacon is only activated on a need be basis by the Mother Ship. This frequency, plus 1.978.5MHz CW are SELCAL activated beacon frequencies and they have been allocated a "block" of call signs (two letters X three numbers) by the Japanese fishing authorities. The only way to log them is to continually monitor those two frequencies when the band is open and hope for the best.
A similar situation possible exists on 2.005MHz as well with a unique 1X1 callsign (one number plus one letter) used at random times.