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Author Topic: Hearing KAH In NC  (Read 2515 times)

Offline K4JYS

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Hearing KAH In NC
« on: June 10, 2019, 1509 UTC »
With WAS down for a while, I will be doing some listening. At 1426, 1448 & 1501Z 6/10/19 have heard a few IDs from KAH, so far peaking RST 339 with deep QSB into the noise floor for several minutes. Sometimes can copy up to 5-6 IDs in a string. Receiving freq around 13567.65 khz. Receiving with the Ten Tec RX340 and the xmit antenna, a 22m dipole at about 40 feet and broad side NW/SE.
73 de Bill K4JYS


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