This was on Sunday night (early Monday) UTC. I checked a kiwi SDR in New Zealand where it was a very nice SIO 454, and uTwente where it was 343. Various other places around the world weren't getting it. It was reportedly running on the full 500 kW and beamed toward Mexico. This was on again Monday night, where I observed a spur at 15730 - although when I tuned away from that for a moment then tuned back, it was gone. At this point I'll have to assume some kind of internal error with my SDR, even though I had LNA gain way down and attenuation way up.
The nice thing for me was that it was relaying its 5130 kHz programming. That's a frequency that simply doesn't exist for me, although 7490 has also been a tough copy lately, even at night. No idea how much power it's on. Ever since the former primary transmitter burned, I assume that they've been using a lower power backup. At the time Wiener said it was running 30 kW.
I was up for a bit around 0930-1030 UTC (3:30-4:30 MDT) and it was still on. But when I got up for good and checked at 1245, there was only a much weaker carrier with no discernible audio. It looked pretty centered, though, unlike the old 9330 signal which was at least +100 W. Different beam/reduced power, or something else entirely? Trans World Radio via Armenia is listed 1315-1535z, but also shows an end date of APR 1 on the eibi schedule, so who knows.