« on: June 19, 2019, 0329 UTC »
Frequency: 7470
Mode: AM
Date: 19 June 2019
Time: 0310
SINP0: 33333 via KPH kiwsdr in California
Program Details:
New frequency for the stations. Talk about Yahweh and religion
and other rants against gov't of the world.
He even thanks his listeners for tuning to the station. A radical religion pirate.
Strong signal on the West Coast.
PSE e-QSL if you read these posts.
Thank you for the broadcast.
Big Badfish Al (bad_fish@hotmail.com)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2019, 1404 UTC by ChrisSmolinski »
Reciever: Degen DE-1103
PSE-QSL to big_badfish_al@proton.me Note new email address.
Listening to pirate radio since 1980 on the EAST COAST USA - located in Central PA USA
73's and FFFR
Favorite stations of the past were WDX, KPRC, KQRP, Radio Clandestine, Radio Newyork International, and The Electric Budda.