on 6225.35-
1943 music, then D or G schlager , 1946 next, 1949 singers duo (psedo Greek ?),
1952 brass and accordion, 1956 accordion and W singer in D, 1959 tiki,
2002 ID (no copy), SSTV (cartoon : sun bathing?), 2004 instrum. music,
2007 ID =?, SSTV, this time the name is just clear enough : Radio Sofaking, music
2013 next record, 2016 clear IDs, radiosofaking at gmx.net, music, 2018 ..QSL..,ID+@
2020 many IDs, 2021 W singer in D
(2045 gone)
(Be free to use that other name : Radio Sunbathing)