I did an experiment today. Well, two experiments. First yesterday I moved the T2FD to a new location, about twice as far from the house, to hopefully reduce any RFI pickup. The new location also has more open space, so I can play with the antenna orientation. The top of the antenna is about the same height as before.
The experiment today: I set up the AFE822x SDR recording the upper end of the MW band. This gives me a number of relatively stable signals to monitor. I let it record for about 15 minutes, then I moved the bottom of the antenna, so instead of being nearly vertical, it is at about a 35 degree angle from vertical, with the bottom aimed roughly to the north, perhaps slightly east of north. Then let it record another 15 or so minutes.
I plotted out the carrier signal strength (2 kHz wide bandwidth) for several MW stations from the recording. Here are those plots, vertical axis is signal in dBm, horizontal is time, sorry no ticks, but each graph is the same length, and again the change is about midway:
Baseline noise 1715 kHz:

My semi local 1620 pirate WEDG which is to my north:

1470 WTTR which is about 10 miles to my south:

1480 WEEO 39 miles to my northwest:

1490 WARK which is 40 miles to my west:

1500 WFED 46 miles to my south:

1510 WWSM 49 miles to my northeast:

1520 WTRI 43 miles to my west south west:

1530 WCTR 58 miles to my east south east:

1540 WACA 48 miles to my south:

1570 WNST 30 miles to my east south east:

1650 WHKT 204 miles to my south:

1660 WWRU 172 miles to my northeast:

1680 WTTM 105 miles to my east:

1690 WPTX 101 miles to my south-southeast:

1700 WRCR about 180? miles to my northeast: