Good ol' 27.025 MHz CB channel 6 a.k.a. "The Superbowl".
If DX is rolling in on channel 6, check channels 11 (27.085 MHz), 26 (27.265 MHz) and 28 (27.285 MHz) for other big gun AM stations and of course 27.385 LSB / Channel 38 LSB and the frequencies around it for SSB DXers.
If 27.025 is really rolling, check the low channel AM DX frequencies (clustered around 26.915 MHz, secondaries are 26.905 MHz, 26.925 MHz, 26.885 MHz, 26.895 MHz, 26.835 MHz, 26.815 MHz, 26.775 MHz and others - 10 kHz steps). 26.715 MHz and nearby frequencies 26.705 MHz and 26.725 MHz will often also be busy with Spanish speaking big gun AM stations. Some of them are in the USA and Puerto Rico but also various other locations in the Caribbean and Latin America (if the band is open to that part of the country).