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A 20' vertical is slightly longer than a halfwave vertical on 11m/10m, so it should do nicely for low-angle DX signal work.

Even better if you are using a transformer or similar to mitigate the huge impedance mismatch between the antenna and (assumed coaxial) feedline. A 49:1 or 64:1 would be "ideal" for around a halfwave, but even a 9:1 or 4:1 should suffice for receiving IMO, plus offer a much larger usable working range than a higher ratio.
I feed my 31' vertical over a radial field with a basic 4:1 unun, and it suffices for most reception from MW through HF. The angle of radiation is a little high at upper HF, but it still works decently enough that I rarely even bother swapping feedlines over to one of my 18' end-fed verticals.