Today, starts a big Fall heatwave in the USA Northeast, and already I've noticed some nice VHF / UHF enhancement from Temperature Inversions late at night and early morning. Last night, about 2AM, the Athens, OH NOAA WX station on 162.550MHz was 1/2 scale on an HT I checked it on. (Normally, barely there at around 100 miles from me.) This morning, S9! That, and local FM Translators were getting covered over by out of area FM stations. So, when it reaches +90 degrees in the day, and night dips down to the lower 60's, that temperature swing could mean some nice propagation on the FM, TV, MURS, GMRS, Marine, EMS, Weather, Amateur Radio, whatever's on the VHF / UHF bands. (Even 6M could be game.) Don't forget to check for those propagational beacons on 2M, 222MHz, and 432MHz, in CW mode. So, while the lower HF bands are still too noisy, and the upper HF bands still suck, those VHF / UHF bands should be game! Will we see the conditions of late September 2004? That would be nice.