At first, I thought this was the Ecuadorian time signal, but the mode of transmission is wrong and the possible IDs didn't match, even with cut numbers in play, which wouldn't make sense for a time signal anyway.
Heard at roughly 2330Z, give or take a few minutes, on the isthmus at Madison, WI. CW signal, on or near 7601kHz, going too fast for me to catch everything, but I tried. Initially fadey/fluttery but clearing up with time. What I could pick out was a repeated DRG 6, and an equally repeated DE 3A or possibly 2A ?D, the ? being a missed character I simply could not fish out. I wondered if the DRG could be a shorthand degree signifier, but it's oddly constructed if that's what it's meant to stand for. 3A suggests somewhere outside the States... if this was Monaco doing something novel, I'm going to fall over.
Anyone have any ideas who I caught?