SDR recording earlier while I was listening to Pee Wee:
2216. 3 repeats of the same segment: Bit of end of an SSTV (didn't decode), then 6 SSTV (famous photo of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald, cartoon with "Thanksgiving is a lot like Christmas except you don't get any presents for holding in your familial rage," dead skunk in the middle of the road, Yellow & white versions of the faces / vase perception test, an uncertain image of an animal (perhaps dog or pig), early Beatles with "They say its your birthday ... Happy birthday to you" then Patrick, Jr gives a TC, talks about being back at Christmas, mention of KABC, a quick ID, into part of Hendrix "All along the watchtower" then repeat of SSTV's, etc. 2 more times.
My recording ended after the third repeat, so there might have been something after that.
Thanks for the show.