6925 USB
0135z: Faint sing-song tones, indistinct.
0150z: Distinctive reggae now, not strong and no ID, but definitely reggae. Peter Tosh style, tho' not sure of artist.
0156z: More reggae, different song, closer to Bob Marley style, still very weak and fading to inaudible at times.
0208z: Some version of "Only You Know and I Know", not sure which, guitar riffs sound like Clapton's.
0215z: Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B
0216z: Dead Cat Radio ID
Signal started out weak, improved by 0150z, some ute QRM and local RFI, fairly low background noise other than whooshing atmospherics.
0217z: SSTV (looks like the cat ate the canary... or parrot?)
(N. Central TX)