A few amazing but true coincidences, here goes:
1). My mother's side of the family were Polish Coal Miners from the Anthracite region of central Pennsylvania. I was born on the lower east side of New York City bordering Eastern European and Italian immigrant/first generation communities. We took our Easter Basket filled with the makings of a Polish Easter Breakfast to be blessed at the neighborhood Polish Church annually - kielbasa prominently featured. Mother's maiden name Podchajski - Americanized to Podhayski
2) My older son is currently vacationing by visiting the Polish Christmas markets; I'm getting a daily Pierogi consumption count from Krakow, Warsaw, and Gdansk.
3) Tuesday, I canned up 7 quarts of sauerkraut (my secret ingredient is caraway seed), from 15 pounds of of cabbage, which fermented in my front hallway for six weeks.
https://imgur.com/a/Zvy98Cg. (Someday I will learn how to make an image just appear on a post)
Now, pass the horseradish

PS - Very clever, JFarley - touche! Traveling Wave - I do applesauce, too. You are right about the accompaniment.