6925 USB, 0124-0240 UTC. Dr. Benway with Undercover Radio tuned up around 0124 UTC, brief QSO with other op, into show at 0134z. Repeat of Halloween 2005 show: Story about diving and shell hunting in Solomon Islands in South Pacific; Edgar Winter music; 0215z story about hallucinating while doing laundry; 0228z tale about trick-or-treaters who turned out to be chupacabras; 0230z Dead Kennedys "Halloween" (thx to Surfidel on IRC and Google-fu for confirmation); 0236z Dr. Benway live after pre-recorded 2005 show, shout-outs and thanks to listeners logging on FRN and via e-mail; brief shlob net, QSO and thanks heard from a couple of folks on-air.
Dr. Benway sure knows how to spin a good yarn, interwoven with music and audio clips. Very enjoyable show!
SINPO - 41332 (heavy local RFI, otherwise very good signal with only moderate fading)
(N. Central TX)
Various edited bits from show, including pre-recorded 2005 show and Dr. Benway talking live after show. Generally good signal, if you can tolerate the noise (lotta local RFI):