« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 1319 UTC »
Rave on Radio, ID @ 1309, then into blues music. SINPO 34433 in Kentucky
Thanks for the show.
ID again @ 1319
multiple ID's @ 1330 and into more blues music. 'Blues Hangover' by Slim Harpo -- Good stuff!
sign-off @ 1355z
« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 1356 UTC by refmo »
Northeast Kentucky
Please eQSL to refmo[at]outlook[dot]com
Radios: Afedri AFE822x, Airspy HF+, RX-888, RSPdx, Tecsun PL880
Antennas: 700' Loop Skywire, Wellbrook ALA1530LN Loop, 400' Beverage, 34' Vertical, low dipoles on upper bands.