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Author Topic: CRE 8900 (Alinco DR-135CB / DR-135DX) 11 meter CB 10 meter radio AM FM SSB CW  (Read 6966 times)

Offline R4002

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For sale is a lightly used CRE 8900 all-mode export radio.  This is a DIN-sized version of the AnyTone AT-5555 series (also known as the SS6900/Superstar 6900, Alpha 10 Max MA-1000, Maas DX5000, K-Po DX5000, Voyage BR-9000 and a dozen other models).  See below for the specifications:


The radio is in excellent condition and comes with original box, mounting brackets/hardware and microphone (with UP/DOWN and automatic squelch on/off on the mic).  All-mode AM FM LSB USB CW and PA modes.  Power output is adjustable for all modes.

25 watts SSB PEP
10-12 watts AM carrier
10-12 watts FM power
10-12 watts CW power


-Selectable clarifier steps 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz or 10 kHz (change steps by simply pushing the clarifier knob in, very useful for SSB operation)
-10 meter mode (28.000 MHz - 29.700 MHz) and 11 meter mode (25.615-30.105 MHz)
-6 band radio with 60 channels per band, fully programmable channels
-Fully adjustable RF output power for all modes including SSB
-Adjustable RF gain
-Built-in echo control (echo level and time delay control)
-Five different display color modes
-Programmable emergency channel
-Dual watch
-Noise blanker and automatic noise limiter on/off (NB/ANL)
-AF noise filter (hi-cut)
-Fully adjustable roger beep duration and tone
- +10 kHz button
-Programmable scanning with scan list
-7 digit frequency display - shows the UK FM frequencies correctly (i.e. 27.78125 instead of 27.781 or 27.7812)
-Automatic SWR indication (shows SWR on transmit) option
-Power supply voltage indication (shows DC voltage on transmit) option

Right now the radio is programmed with the standard 6 band export channel plan with some extras, including the UK FM 27/81 channels as channels 21-60 on band F) the A channels for each band, several SSB freeband channels such as 27.440 MHz, 27.470 MHz, 27.500 MHz, etc. and several 10m FM frequencies

Computer programmable (computer programming is NOT required).  I have received numerous excellent signal reports on AM, FM and SSB mode.  Several ops commented that it sounded like I was talking on a "real" HF SSB ham rig.  The very fine tuning (10 Hz and 100 Hz steps) come in extremely handy when working SSB

This radio looks great in modern vehicles and can be dash-mounted with a DIN adapter.  Will be shipped with its original box/packaging and manual/documentation.  This radio is one of the first CRE 8900s to hit the market - I actually purchased it from a UK based radio distributor before the radio was even available in the USA. 

It's been sitting in my radio closet for a while now...unused.  I recently saw a new opened box version of this radio on sale on eBay for $300.  I'm asking $250 including shipping within the lower 48.  Send me a PM.


U.S. East Coast, various HF/VHF/UHF radios/transceivers/scanners/receivers - land mobile system operator - focus on VHF/UHF and 11m

Offline texz71

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Interested. Sent PM

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Offline crtdavis

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Is this radio still available?


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