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Author Topic: Anonymous  (Read 6162 times)

Offline paranoid dxer

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« on: February 22, 2012, 0426 UTC »
NSA warns Anonymous may pull nation’s electric plug

Anonymous is scheming to shut down our power grids. That's the opinion, anyway, of National Security Agency director Gen. Keith Alexander, who the Wall Street Journal indicates warned White House officials that the notorious cyberattackers could "bring about a limited power outage" within the next two years.


AnonOps, Internet freedom-fighters dedicated to relaying Anonymous news, responded with an indignant tweet that called the claim "ridiculous" and featured a post on its blog that said the assessment "makes no sense...They just want to make you feel afraid."

However, in recent weeks, Anonymous has taken down the Department of Justice and CIA websites and hacked into the Syrian president's email. Is this future power play really so far-fetched?


Tuesday, 21 February 2012 11:50 The NSA is trying to spread FUD about Anonymous to cover holes in US Infrastructure Security

The National Security Agency has just released a report to the powers that be in the US that expresses concern that the online activist group Anonymous could go after the US power grid in the next 3-5 years (we told you things like this would happen). This report was put together by their counter terrorism group and while it lacked any details in the body of the report (like the axis for attack) and forgot to mention there are other people out there that would like to do this (like foreign countries and real Terrorists) it does raise some real concerns.

The problem is that they decided to focus their repot on Anonymous. This sad attempt at fear mongering is one of the problems that exist in the US today. Instead of going in and saying: “there is a growing problem with our infrastructure that makes it really vulnerable” they chose to point the finger at Anonymous.

There is a real problem with the security of SCADA devices (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition). We have reported on that issue multiple times (Here and Here). These issues leave some of the control units open to attack (as they are not secure at all and should never be on the internet like they are). Once the control units are compromised it is possible to cause damage to subsystems by continually cycling motors or switches on and off.

Now here comes the amazing leap of intellect that some government officials are capable of. The initial discovery of this flaw came at the BlackHat Convention in August of 2011. It would seem that someone thought they could link Anonymous with the popular security convention. Never mind the fact that BlackHat is all about identifying security issues, bringing them to the attention of other security experts and then finding and fix for them. 

However, in order to bring more negative attention to Anonymous they went after them instead. Anonymous must be really putting the pressure on the corporate world to get the attention of the NSA like this. Especially considering how the collective has repeatedly stated their targets are corporations and government bodies like the CIA, FTC, etc. They have not once claimed that pulling the plug on power or other critical infrastructure services was their goal.

In fact looking at tweets on YourAnonNews they are laughing at the thought of that. One tweet says ;
“Why would Anons shut off a power grid? There are ppl on life support / other vital services that rely on it. Try again NSA. #FearMongering”
While a more recent tweet says;
“NSA head engages in alarmist rhetoric & fear-mongering. Why would Anons take out power grids when lives depend on them?”

The fact of the matter is that if Anonymous were to do this it would kill everything they have tried to do. Just look at the reaction that the release of private citizen’s data caused within the group when one small faction decided to endanger the lives of informants and the families of police officers. This move seems to be nothing more than an attempt to discredit the group in the public’s eye and ignores the real problem if the actual security issues at hand. Yes Anonymous is a dangerous organization and they can do some real harm if they wanted to, but to lay this one at their feet is just plain ridiculous and makes the government agencies responsible look afraid and incompetent. On the other hand, bringing Anonymous into this could be the only way they saw to make legislators afraid and willing to do something about it, however if that is the case it is even more sad than an attempt to make the general public afriad of this type of attack from Anonymous...

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Offline melliferal

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2012, 0611 UTC »
However, in recent weeks, Anonymous has taken down the Department of Justice and CIA websites and hacked into the Syrian president's email. Is this future power play really so far-fetched?


Public websites and web-based email are by nature vulnerable to "attacks".  Claiming that Anonymous DDOSing a couple of public websites is a potential prelude to being able to do things like shutting off a power grid is like claiming that if a person is able to deface a the facade of a bank with spray paint it's "only a matter of time" before they'll be able to break into the bank's vault.
Alexandria, LA
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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2012, 0358 UTC »
It IS rediculous and is nothing but fearmongering as the authorities try and sway the MASSIVE support away from Anonymous.

- Anonymous is not petty.
- Anonymous has always acted in the best interests of the public as a whole.
- Anonymous has made it *very* clear even the CIA and Pentagon are not safe from them.

So, what to watch out for:
- Law enforcement and government crackers hitting utilities and claiming to be Anonymous.
- Media reporting random non-Anonymous attacks as being from Anonymous.
- Claiming to have captured "Anonymous" member(s) who are spilling all on what a terrorist organization they are.
- Massive government spin on the situation (as in the article).
- Massive invasions of YOUR privacy in the name of security.


Offline Northern Relay Service

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2012, 1427 UTC »
Seems like you guys have their little song and dance routine figured out . The mass global awakening will be entering phase 2 soon.

When I think of Anonymous I think of all those science fiction plots where there is a underground resistance to the evil empire on some foreign planet that the evil empire has deemed a terrorist organization,and a war erupts between them . Well we know who wins every time right ?? Could it be Anonymous is our next Flash Gordon against Ming ?

Offline melliferal

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2012, 1447 UTC »

- Anonymous is not petty.
- Anonymous has always acted in the best interests of the public as a whole.

Not really true.  Harassing the little girl who posted a profanity-laced video on YouTube was both petty and not in anyone's best interest.  Same with the occasional DDOSing of Internet video game sites like "hello kitty online" or whatever; not sure what greater good that served.

Anonymous are a bunch of adolescents who do things for kicks.  Declaring them to be terrorists and declaring them to be heroic public servants are two opposite swings of the same mistaken pendulum.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 1452 UTC by melliferal »
Alexandria, LA
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Offline Northern Relay Service

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2012, 1646 UTC »
Every rebel organization has factions and offshoots that are not exactly representative of the group as a whole. As long as there is internet then i wouldn't doubt the power of Anonymous.

I sat down one night and actually thought about the ability to do what they are doing . They are like the Borg in concept but for the betterment of mankind. I bet even the Borg in their infancy had sub groups that didn't want to play the game and were off smoking joints and having kinky Borg sex in remote corners of the cube.

Their potential infrastructure could far exceed the governments own in coming years and pose a real threat to their rule of power. That is unless the internet is tamed and regulated down to what they wanted it to be all along , a money maker. Not a mass collective thought processor like it is now. Their goal is to drive radical thought underground again.

 The Cold War was in part due to the invention and proliferation of such a technology. Not nuclear bombs either ,but RADIO. Radio aloud communications between cultures and individuals . It scared the crap out of governments because of the huge potential for MASS GLOBAL AWAKENING . In a way the Cold War was more to do with taming  the huge effects of the new media upon the public and keeping power at the same time . While all along fostering a culture of technological advancement in the field until the perfect combination of money making and military achievement has been developed from the medium .Then close off the general public from it and move them along to the next technology . While continuing to advance the old technology for strictly military purposes out of reach,and off the radar of the public. Radio peaked in the late 60's with the CB band being developed . The first mass public licensed use of the hf spectrum . There is a reason that they don't police the CB band and that is to show the public when push comes to shove what happens to radio when it is handed over to public use.Chaos ! Of coarse we prove them wrong don't we . Commander Bunny excluded.
TV by satellite ,and of coarse Cell phones, I guess would have been the pinnacle of public  use for radio. After that it is all military. All public use of radio today gets used without the average person so much as thinking about the public struggle to get to that point of use. GPS , wireless internet, etc.

The digital age is coming to its peak and getting ready for the next stage .  I imagine the next technological push will be in an even smaller and limitless tech like Nano or atomic level computer manipulation. Meanwhile the internet as we know it is fast disappearing into a shadow of itself.

But as long as their is a computer communications system for the public I would beware of Anonymous . There are close to 7 billion very pissed off people, slowly coming out of a bad dream into an even scarier nightmare who want a way to make a difference,and a lot of them have computers.

These are interesting times.

Here is an example of what the government does not want. In this report it is said only a third of Americans see Iran as their biggest threat. In the Hay day of TV and Radio and cinema 1930-1995 it was easy to claim a 75% plus  agreement with the government stance of the day,when it came to manipulation of public fear. This is an example of what you will not see much of in the future internet . If you do watch such things in the future you shall risk your IP address facing scrutiny and possible reaction .


Yeah my 100th post !!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2012, 1745 UTC by Northern Relay Service »

Offline Jolly Roger

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2012, 2005 UTC »
Speaking of kinky Borg sex, I could have assimilated the hell out of 7 of 9.
But seriously, I don't trust anonymous. Nor should I. They operate without fear of reprisal, or more importantly, accountability. It's easy for them to say we have nothing to fear from them. For now. As a member of the establishment (unwillingly, but a member non the less) who's to say they won't target me, or you, or anyone else they may disagree with.
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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2012, 2021 UTC »

Offline paranoid dxer

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2012, 2358 UTC »
i dunno pigmeat you used to watch star trek didn't you  ;)
"In the long run, the greatest weapon of mass destruction is stupidity.
"I believe in animal rights. They have the right to garlic, and butter." - Ted Nugent

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #9 on: February 25, 2012, 0059 UTC »

- Anonymous is not petty.
- Anonymous has always acted in the best interests of the public as a whole.

Not really true.  Harassing the little girl who posted a profanity-laced video on YouTube was both petty and not in anyone's best interest.  Same with the occasional DDOSing of Internet video game sites like "hello kitty online" or whatever; not sure what greater good that served.

Anonymous are a bunch of adolescents who do things for kicks.  Declaring them to be terrorists and declaring them to be heroic public servants are two opposite swings of the same mistaken pendulum.

As I said...

So, what to watch out for:
- Media reporting random non-Anonymous attacks as being from Anonymous.

NRS was very eloquant in explaining more.


Offline L Cee

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #10 on: February 25, 2012, 0337 UTC »
i dunno pigmeat you used to watch star trek didn't you  ;)

Watch it ? Pigmeat was the inventor on the Transporter. He stumbled upon it while trying to reverse engineer a low power pirate transmitter. He flipped the power switch and suddenly found himself standing at the front door of Al Fansome's trailer.
L Cee
East Coast - USA

Offline paranoid dxer

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #11 on: February 25, 2012, 0348 UTC »
i dunno pigmeat you used to watch star trek didn't you  ;)

Watch it ? Pigmeat was the inventor on the Transporter. He stumbled upon it while trying to reverse engineer a low power pirate transmitter. He flipped the power switch and suddenly found himself standing at the front door of Al Fansome's trailer.
i don't think that was a transporter   perhaps a dimensional shift device 
after all  L Cee  you know   AL's trailer is "outta this world"   ;) ;)
"In the long run, the greatest weapon of mass destruction is stupidity.
"I believe in animal rights. They have the right to garlic, and butter." - Ted Nugent

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight

Offline L Cee

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Re: Anonymous
« Reply #12 on: February 25, 2012, 0403 UTC »
i dunno pigmeat you used to watch star trek didn't you  ;)

Watch it ? Pigmeat was the inventor on the Transporter. He stumbled upon it while trying to reverse engineer a low power pirate transmitter. He flipped the power switch and suddenly found himself standing at the front door of Al Fansome's trailer.
i don't think that was a transporter   perhaps a dimensional shift device 
after all  L Cee  you know   AL's trailer is "outta this world"   ;) ;)

You know, you may just be on to something. The term "other worldly" has occasionally been associated with the name Al Fansome. :)
L Cee
East Coast - USA


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