Just above the noise floor here, when tuned in using USB mode, as of 0014 UTC.
Tuned in via NA5B SDR in D.C. to hear it better, and hearing Oingo Boingo's "Nothing to Fear" as of 0016 UTC, with FDR's "The only thing we have to fear ..." quote being played over it.
0020 UTC: News soundbite about coronavirus, some other audio ... then a few moments of silence (I hear the peskies in the background, though) before more seemingly random audio into the song "Just Dropped In (To See What Condition My Condition Was In)" by Kenny Rogers.
0023 UTC: "Insane (Club Mix)" by Yer Man.
0027 UTC: "Diversion" by Ty Segall, overlaid by Trump and other soundbites.
0030 UTC: "GOAT" by The Cult. Still listening via NA5B; the signal out here seems to have sunk back into the noise.
0034 UTC: "Cop and Go" by The Dead Weather.
0038 UTC: Snippet of "Confessions of an Embittered Soul" by Church of Misery into "Torn Between Suicide & Breakfast" by Hank Williams III, then into random bits of audio and music again.
0040 UTC: Off?
It was a trip, Insane Radio!