Oh boy... On a Carrier-Current Coupler, you may have to roll your own, since LPB and Radio Systems are gone. However, there are power line couplers for mining companies, (At least, there use to be.). That was the only way that they could send down a radiating signal into a mine shaft was to couple to the power lines going down there. With all of these mining companies going bye-bye, I'll bet one can be had. Ernest Wilson, formally of Panaxis Productions, had shown in is Carrier-Current books on how to build a coupler. Also, look for on-line .PDF books by James R. Cunningham for this to download. Basically, you are looking for a medium wave tuning network that let's you tune down to very low impedance, like 10 Ohms and less. Over 20 years ago, JTA gave me a Radio Systems TR-20 transmitter and a CP-15 coupler. The problem was, it looked like lightning directly hit it. The TR-20 was a total loss, with thumb sized burnt holes in both the PS and Finals boards, but the CP-15 Coupler was fixable, and I'm using that today. So, ya never know.