No definitive sign of a signal out west here (see below for the updated information). But I found a good, strong signal via the Warrenton, Virginia, SDR ...
0017: OM announcer talking about equipment power problems.
0018: "Rocky Mountain Way" by Joe Walsh.
0022: OM talking about Joe Walsh apparently being an amateur radio operator, his continuing broadcast problems. Mentions his lunch is about ready.
0023: "Roll on Down the Highway" by BTO.
0027: OM host says he thinks the problem's in the pre-amp, talking to his wife a bit, other chatting.
0028: "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone. This song's now making it directly through my speaker here near Seattle; just barely audible, but the signal's there!
0033: OM (over 60, he says) talking a bit more talk about his technical glitch, talking about John Wayne and James Arness, about self-isolating, etc. I'm still listening via the Virginia SDR, but I can hear bits of the chatting directly here.
0035: "These Eyes" by The Guess Who.
0039: OM feeling better about his technical glitches, chatting into the start of "I'm Your Captain/Closer to Home" by Grand Funk Railroad. The music's still coming up on my radio directly out here, but it's fading out longer in between audible bits, so I'm also still listening via the SDR.
0044: OM called himself "Captain Midnight," a bit more technical chatting into "Against the Wind" by Bob Segar & the Silver Bullet Band.
0048: More chatting about technical problems, which seem to be more audible now. Then "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. The OM cut into the song and said he's going to shut down due to his technical problems, then plays "Angie" by The Rolling Stones.
0055: Quick switch to "Hair of the Dog" by Nazareth. Then more OM chatting, then back to the Nazareth song.
0058: OM chatting again, talks about QSL cards. His mic audio's getting a bit fuzzier, then into "Foreplay/Long Time" by Boston.
0108: OM chatting about technical problems ... giving HFU shout-outs, then "Don't Look Back" by Boston.
0117: OM back on the mic. The chatting's now nearly at readable levels on my own receiver out here. "Virus 19 Radio off the air now" ... then chats a bit more and goes out with "Catch you tomorrow night, baby, if the ship hasn't sunk by then." Then "Holy Diver" by Dio to off at 0124 UTC.
Thanks for the music!